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Integrated Brain Based Approaches to Health

Who We Are. 

We are integrative health practitioners who use functional brain-based approaches in the treatment of the brain, body, psyche and spirit. We draw from a variety of different clinical modalities across complementary medicine. We also educate holistic health practitioners, manual therapists, movement professionals or any individuals who want to integrate clinical neuroscience into their practice. 


1:1 Integrated Treatments

Chronic Pain & Injury


Stress, PTSD & Anxiety

Neurological Conditions

Autoimmune Conditions

Movement Dysfunctions

Athletic Performance

Integrative Health Packages

Mind-Body Reset

Human Optimisation Year

Elite Performane for Athletes

Brain Integration for Kids (Autism | Behavioural | Learning Difficulties) 

Corporate Wellness

Practitioner Education

Online Content

Short Courses


Mentorships | Internships

Professional Certifications

What We Do. 

At Functional Neuro Health our practitioners are educated and experienced in a number of modalities:






















Applied Functional Neurology

Assessing & Communicating with the Nervous System.

Integrative and Functional Medicine

Nutrition, Digestion, Lifestyle, Mitochondrial Health

Integrative Manual Therapy

Myotherapy, Neural & Visceral Manipulation, NST Bowen Therapy

Medicine & Kinesiology

Uncovering the Underlying Psychological Factors.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Anti-Inflammatory, Gut Health, Immunity & Mental Health. 

Corrective Exercise Therapy

Mobility, Stability, Flexibility, Strength, Integrative Movement.

A bit more Detail.


Functional Neurology

Applied Functional Neurology

At Functional Neuro Health, one of our core modalities is the use of Functional Neurology. After training in a bunch of different Functional Neurology modalities over the course of 10 years, Nick has created his own branch of Applied Functional Neurology called The Functional Neuro Health Approach. 


It draws from all 15+ years of Nick's clinical experience across a wide variety of modalities including Functional Neurology and many others.

 In this system we apply a systematic approach to assessing and correcting Neurological pathways. 


These include the Primitive Reflexes, Cranial Nerves, Emotions, Immune System, Gastrointestinal system, Visual pathways, Cranial bones and more. Nick also teaches this groundbreaking system to practitioners all over the world. 

Integrative Manual Therapy

We employ a wide variety of manual therapies including Myotherapy, NST Bowen Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Dry Needling, Peripheral Nerve manipulation, Lymphatic drainage techniques and more. 


We use manual therapy only as needed and usually after the nervous system has been reset by using Functional Neurology to reset signalling issues in the nervous system. After that, the manual therapy interventions are much more likely to hold long-term, and only minimal are needed depending on each case. 


Each therapy is powerful enough to be performed on it's own however when combined with our other techniques and performed at the right time they can be a powerful part of the healing process. 




Vagus Nerve Stimulation


A unique brain-based therapy that targets the all-important Vagus nerve. This cranial nerve is very important in all conditions that are inflammatory as the nerve when working well, activates the body's own anti-inflammatory reflex.


The therapy involves the use of a TENS machine and special clips that are placed in the ear, the area that relates to the Vagus nerve. This stimulation switches the nerve on and tones it, just like you would a muscle so it can go about it's job of reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system and treating the gut-brain axis. 



Functional Medicine and Test Based Nutrition


Integrative and Functional Medicine aims to find the underlying causal factors behind chronic conditions. Your unique health history is analysed carefully to determine personalised nutritional, dietary and lifestyle modifications to support your digestive and immune systems. Often these approaches serve as the foundation to making lasting changes to your health. 


You may require some specific lab tests to determine the underlying factors before those key areas can be addressed.  

The key focus areas of this approach are detoxification and colon health, anti-inflammatory nutrition, mitochondrial health, digestion, cold therapy, fasting, hydration, sleep and breathing.

Kinesiology & Mind Body Medicine


Mind Body Medicine recognises that we are at our most healthiest when we connect inwardly and express that outwardly. 


This therapy dives deep to connect the symptoms of the body to the patterns of the mind and allows for us to truly heal from the inside out. 


You will notice deep changes at the core of your being that will effect any physical ailments you are having in a positive way.Very effective for any long term chronic conditions. Watch the video below to hear of an experience of Mind Body Medicine in a recent interview.




Exercise Therapy

We offer personalised corrective exercise programs for our clients, especially those recovering from any musculoskeletal issues.  Our focus is brain-based approaches to rehabilitation and performance using Applied Movement Neurology.  


Our focus areas are:

  • Core stability

  • Neuro flexibility

  • Corrective exercise

  • Joint Stability & Mobility

  • Complex movement skills

  • Human Gait cycle re-patterning

  • Functional Strength and conditioning


Nick is incredibly gifted. I learnt a lot from him and shifted things that had been laying stagnant in my body for a long time.. He taught me how to reconnect and listen to what my body was telling me. He is a great teacher and has an outstanding knowledge on connecting mind and body - he explains things clearly and also makes you feel relaxed.. . My sessions with Nick have helped me mentally and physically.. I would highly recommend. Just wish he would come and practice in the UK where I now live!



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